Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A New Friend

During the month of February, I stayed with Deryck and Amanda in KC to be around during the delivery of Anna Joy (February 7). It was a great time of being with Avalon Grace, the kids, Gerry, Juan and Beulah, our friends and of course time in the prayer house.

One of the highlights was meeting Shelley Paulson, an amazing person and photographer. We had the opportunity to share Sunday lunch together and a chat over coffee with Gerry about my art and creative expressions. Shelley and Terrie are from MN, but took three months to be at IHOP in the Commission program, that Gerry helps to facilitate.

Thought you might want to look at her photo blog and the pictures she has taken of Deryck. She would like to photograph Avalon as well.

I hope to get some of my photos of Avie and the baby up when my "real" computer is up and running.

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