Monday, March 24, 2008

It's Springtime

Today was a great day to spend some time in our garden. Steve mowed and edged the lawns - wow! they look amazing. I clipped, pulled and picked up in the garden areas; cleaning out the fountain in the front year was a must! The weather is perfect outside, but I'm out of shape, so I'm done for today! My Peonies look amazing and really brighten my back yard.

We had a great Easter weekend with Mom and Dad Ewert here - on their way from Mexico back to CDA, Idaho. Dustin and Savannah took off today for a week in Maui - their last vacation away before the baby arrives.

I have my art class tonight... I keep working on my little Tibetan girl and want to get her done - I'd like to start working on another foreign piece - probably a person from Africa, from our photos. Phyllis Miller is taking the class too - she is doing amazing work and I'm loving having her there with me.

1 comment:

Homestead Mercantile said...

Hi Lorraine,
Just checked out your blog...and the link to Derryck's photos. Those are great!
Glad you got your blog have even labeled your photos with your name and have your list of favs...neither of which I have done. I get too ansy sometimes and don't spend the time to attend to those details. Seems like I neer have anough time in day to do what I want to. Anyway, I was starting to get spammed so had to go to the sign in system on my blog.
I noticed that on some places on your blog there are * marks instead of this on purpose? Is this a code of some kind? :)
I have not posted much, well, if any of my grandchildren's photos...I was seeing too many people caution about posting children's pics on the Internet...too many people out there could take advantage.
I do have private blogs of their photos though.
Cousin Pamela