Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I've Got Art On My Mind!

I've been spending time going through websites finding a variety of artists whose work and journey I'm interested in. Take a look at their blogs/sites and their links.

This increasing desire to express myself fully creatively is increasing and just making the determination that I'm going to do it is intensivfying. My Tibetan girl is almost finished - probably this next Monday is should be finished - I will photograph her and post it for you to see. I have two commissions that I need to get started on and get complete in the next little bit -

My computer should be fixed today, so I will be able to upload some of my photo work, family picutres, etc. Okay - I'm out of here.

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's Springtime

Today was a great day to spend some time in our garden. Steve mowed and edged the lawns - wow! they look amazing. I clipped, pulled and picked up in the garden areas; cleaning out the fountain in the front year was a must! The weather is perfect outside, but I'm out of shape, so I'm done for today! My Peonies look amazing and really brighten my back yard.

We had a great Easter weekend with Mom and Dad Ewert here - on their way from Mexico back to CDA, Idaho. Dustin and Savannah took off today for a week in Maui - their last vacation away before the baby arrives.

I have my art class tonight... I keep working on my little Tibetan girl and want to get her done - I'd like to start working on another foreign piece - probably a person from Africa, from our photos. Phyllis Miller is taking the class too - she is doing amazing work and I'm loving having her there with me.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Deryck's Photo Shoot

Met a great new friend while I was in Kansas City - Shelley Paulson - an amazing photographer. She gifted Deryck with an amazing photo shoot. Take a look at Deryck's pictures here.

Crash After Easter Sunday Lunch

This is what you do after a bar-b-cue ribs dinner on Easter Sunday... crash! Dustin and Savannah ate entirely too much to resist the sun coming through the sun room and the comfy couch.

Savannah's due date is September 7 - 5 days from my birthday, 3 days from Amanda's birthday, and 7 days from cousin Avalon's birthday!

Tibetan Photos in The Mission Gallery

During my 2005 and 2007 trips to Tib*t I had the opportunity to take a lot of photographs- the memories of these trips are held within the impact of each photo. During the week of March 10 I, with Steve's help, selected six photos that I wanted to display in the art gallery of our church, The Mission, in Vacaville. We printed, matted and framed six of them.

This is one of the 20x16 photos that we have on display. Another day, I'll share the amazing story of the young Chi*ese woman who stood repeatedly in front of one of the photos and cried - truly an amazing story.

The day that we actually hung the photographs, March 13, was the day that there began the violent outbreak in Lha*a and other regions both within TAR (Tib*tan Auto*omous Re*ion) and in Chi*a, as well as many other locations. Many of the Chi*ese in Lha*a were killed, as well as Tib*tans. All during the Way of the Warrior conference (Mar 13-15) - which happened to be during the conflict, hundreds of people stood in front of these photos remembering the peoples of Ti*et.

This is one of my favorites... A young six year old boy on pilgrimage around the J*kang Tem*le where much of the burning and violence took place. Keep the missio*aries there in your thoughts and pr*yers.

Just Taking A Drive

I managed to get Steve out of the house and away from some things he wanted to do around the house and on a drive around Lake Berryesa and Napa the other day. As we drove through Winters we came along this beautiful orchard we couldn't resist snapping a photo of.

There was no need for many words, we just took in the amazing beauty all around us and enjoyed being alone together. Every now and then Steve would stop and say, "that's a great picture, wanna few shots?" I love my Nikon!

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Night of Tragic

Last night we were having dinner with some friends from Australia when we received a call from a friend that their house was burning to the ground... could we go to the location and make sure his wife and family were okay. The husband was in Washington state on business.

Our friends the Lloyds have lost their house. We stood together on the top of the hill overlooking the Vacaville area and watched their beautifully renovated house burn to the ground. It was an overwhelming experience - lights flashing everywhere - fire trucks all along the road up to their home and first hoses trying to get water up the hill to the house - but amidst the smoke, the wind, the tears and the unbelief, was a calm, a peace and a presence that the Father was there - doing what He does, being who He is.

What was able to be saved was their garage full of items being sold on ebay -and the small cottage house only encountered slight fire damage on the outside, the inside is fine. The family has an additoinal house (rental) that is empty and they are able to stay there.

Steve and I went to Winco and picked up food and misc personal care items that they would need immediately and dropped them off at their place early this morning on the way home. We're all blessed that all the family members were out of the house, safe and protected.

This morning we woke up (late of course!) and mindful that it is Good Friday - yes, it is Good Friday! Even amidst the loss and devastation it is a GOOD FRIDAY!

Keep the Lloyd family in prayer...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A New Friend

During the month of February, I stayed with Deryck and Amanda in KC to be around during the delivery of Anna Joy (February 7). It was a great time of being with Avalon Grace, the kids, Gerry, Juan and Beulah, our friends and of course time in the prayer house.

One of the highlights was meeting Shelley Paulson, an amazing person and photographer. We had the opportunity to share Sunday lunch together and a chat over coffee with Gerry about my art and creative expressions. Shelley and Terrie are from MN, but took three months to be at IHOP in the Commission program, that Gerry helps to facilitate.

Thought you might want to look at her photo blog and the pictures she has taken of Deryck. She would like to photograph Avalon as well.

I hope to get some of my photos of Avie and the baby up when my "real" computer is up and running.

Committed to Staying in Touch

Today is the first day of the rest of this blog. I've had such fun keeping up on friends and family and making new friends through their blogs that I thought this would be a good idea.
Blogger is free, so I probably won't keep up my other art blog, but will try to show my artwork here, family pics and updates here and share what God is doing in our lives.
Currently I am working on my back-up computer (travel pc) because my other computer crashed last week and our new hard drive arrived today. Hopefully I will get some pics up soon.
I will give links for other family and friends that you may want to check in on.
Okay, enough for today -