Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother's Day and Idaho...

It's been tooooo long since I've posted - my computer was down for a while (thus no pictures!), and I had to prioritize my time in re-organizing my art and creative supplies here at the house. My art studio looks great, and our guest room that holds my craft/creative art supplies is amazing. Thanks to Johanna (Potter's House, School of the Supernatural student) for coming over and giving a clean eye to my stuff. It is so organized and easy to access and it looks great!

I spent Mother's Day here in Vacaville with Dustin and Savannah - we video camed with Deryck/Amanda, Avalon and Anna - Anna is getting sooooo big. She looks like Deryck looked as a baby, so we'll see how she develops - her eyes look like they be brown or green.

I just returned from Coeur d'Alene Idaho where my cousin Pam Thoms, my grandmother, my parents and my brother Larry live. It was a great visit and good to be with my family.

Pam spent time with me going over our family heritage - pictures, names, and stories. She is truely amazing. She has spent 20 years researching our family lineage. Thomas Edison is in my family line on my mom's side and President George Washington was a frequent guest in the home of one of our descendents, also on my mom's line.

Time with my Grandmother - aged 94 and simply amazing! She's sharp as a tack and wanted to talk about the current election process; we talked about my irises and garden (she gave me her bulbs, and I inherited her green thumb) and the food there in the center where she lives (ugh!).

I spent time at the beach, reflecting, taking pictures and just soaking - wonderful 80/90 degree weather (incredible for Coeur d'Alene). I had a delightful time with my parents and brother.